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Power, Unlimited Power

Summary #1 on
7 minute read

Zhelnov P. Power, unlimited power. Zheln. 2020 Dec 2;49(1):s22e3. URI:

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Zheln Flow Diagram

Zheln Flow Diagram for Dec 2, 2020

This is the Zheln flow diagram, modified from the PRISMA 2020 Statement preprint by Matthew Page et al. and the SRflowdiagram tool by Neal Haddaway.

Status Description

Work Schedule Worked-Time Target Appraisal Log

List of Included Studies

As a rule, I select a review for full appraisal when the topic covered is likely to have a very large practice impact with regard either to both global health care workers and the public or to the minorities. COVID-19 publications are not selected. However, crowdfunding an appraisal is possible.

Some of the appraisals are already available as videos on YouTube, so click the button next to the appraisal heading to watch them!

  1. Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Adults
  2. International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis
  3. Literacy in Omics Sciences
  4. Mindfullness Mobile Apps in Europe
  5. Transcranial AC Stimulation
  6. Equity in Virtual Health Care
  7. USPSTF on Pediatric HTN Screening
  8. Respiratory Virus Sampling
  9. Climate Change & Pregnancy AEs
  10. Supplements for Pregnancy HTN
  11. VA/DoD Low Back Pain Guideline
  12. Meds for (Meth)amphetamine Use
  13. Sport After Youth Trauma
  14. Lifestyle & Prostate Cancer
  15. Martial Arts & Mental Health
  16. Compassion for Self-Esteem
  17. E-Cigs & Metabolic Syndrome
  18. Biodegradation of Plastics
  19. Schoolbag Weight & Back Pain
  20. Massive Diabetes Prevention
  21. Attitudes & Eating Behavior
  22. What is the effect of physical exercise on executive function in adults older than 55 years of age?
  23. What are the therapeutic options for Gulf War Illness?
  24. How important the concept of homesickness is?
  25. What are the fetal outcomes of opioid detoxification in pregnancy?
  26. What are the outcomes of acetaminophen v. ibuprofen for fever or pain in children under two years old?
  27. Is quality and safety of hospital care different in outlying patients?
  28. How effective is a combination of alpha-blockers and PDE5-inhibitors for lower urinary tract symptoms?
  29. Is it good and safe to allow mother and baby skin-to-skin contact during a cesarian?
  30. What interventions are there to manage diabetes in homeless adults?
  31. What use are mindfulness-based interventions for mental symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
  32. What progress has been made to date in terms of universal influenza vaccines?
  33. How effective are interventions to improve antibiotic-prescription behavior among PCPs?
  34. What are the reports of practical use of national guidelines on movement in Canada and similar countries?
  35. What evidence is there to support active break policies in elementary schools?
  36. What is known regarding policy to address pediatric suicidality?
  37. How important is postural control in Down syndrome?
  38. What works for at-risk mental states?
  39. What is the effect of ticagrelor monotherapy after PCI?
  40. How good is social accountability for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health?
  41. What is in the American Psychiatric Association guideline on schizophrenia?
  42. Crowdfunded How effective are tooth decay prevention measures in children six years old or younger?
  43. How good is C-reactive protein measurement with regard to health outcomes?
  44. What is the association between sugar-free gum and dental caries?
  45. How big is the impact of perinatal care systems on infant mortality?
  46. How effective is empathy training in health care education?
  47. What are the current therapeutic applications of human mesenchymal stem cells?
  48. How useful is patient blood management to improve outcomes of major surgery?
  49. What is the effectiveness of eHealth interventions for improving public health?
  50. What is the risk of congenital malformations associated with beta-blocker use in early pregnancy?
  51. How effective behavioral weight-loss interventions in diabetes are?

Reports Wanted

I had selected these systematic reviews for full appraisal, but their full texts were unavailable to me. Please contact me if you wish to help procuring them.

  1. Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation for Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
  2. Ethics of Familial Genetic Testing
  3. How good is the uptake of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist in low- and middle-income countries?
  4. What are the outcome predictors of Parent Management Training for child conduct problems?
  5. What is the role of a Registered Dietitian in weight management?
  6. How effective are anti-amyloid-β drugs for Alzheimer’s disease?
  7. How is homelessness experienced by transgender people?
  8. How useful is physical exercise for people living with breast cancer?

What’s Next?

Get back for the next summary post on Sat, Dec 5

I’m also going to be busy translating the PRISMA 2020 Statement into Russian this week, so some Zheln hindrance is imminent.

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Zheln Is Supported by Crowdfunding Only

Running Zheln takes most of my work capacity. I’ve managed to stay off other jobs for now but will be forced to find another job unless crowdfunded by the end of this year.

In other words, you can’t be sure Zheln isn’t suspended in 2021 if you avoid funding it. But if you donate, I pledge to keep running Zheln in recognition of your support.

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