Record Awaiting Appraisal

Record #433 on
2 minute read

Zhelnov P. A critical appraisal of ‘Villalonga Vadell R, Martín Delgado MC, Avilés-Jurado FX, Álvarez Escudero J, Aldecoa Álvarez-Santuyano C, de Haro López C, Díaz de Cerio Canduela P, Ferrandis Perepérez E, Ferrando Ortolá C, Ferrer Roca R, Hernández Tejedor A, López Álvarez F, Monedero Rodríguez P, Ortiz Suñer A, Parente Arias P, Planas Roca A, Plaza Mayor G, Rascado Sedes P, Sistiaga Suárez JA, Vera Ching C, Villalonga Vadell R, Martín Delgado MC, Bernal-Sprekelsen M. Consensus Document of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC), the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC) and the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (SEDAR) on Tracheotomy in Patients with COVID-19 Infection. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. 2020 Nov;67(9):504-510. English, Spanish. doi: 10.1016/j.redar.2020.05.001. Epub 2020 Jun 10. PMID: 32532430; PMCID: PMC7283053’. Zheln. 2020 Nov 25;48(1):r433d20. URI:

Zheln Review Appraisal in 10 Steps:

  1. ✅ Downloaded from the PubMed Systematic Subset Daily Updates
  2. ❌ Does Not Meet Shojania & Bero 2001 True Positive Criteria for Systematic Reviews by Neither Title nor Abstract
  3. 🔄 Full Text or Other Reports Collected by Zheln
  4. 🔄 Generates Pragmatic Evidence Directly Relevant to Evidence-Based Practice?
  5. 🔄 Is Duplicate?
  6. 🔄 Passed or Failed Replication?
  7. 🔄 Has Critical Conduct Flaws?
  8. 🔄 Liked or Disliked by Zheln?
  9. 🔄 Practical Implications Summarized by Zheln
  10. 🔄 Appraisal Published & Call for Crowdfunding

I have looked at this record and found that it does not meet ‘true positive criteria’ for systematic reviews by Shojania & Bero 2001 that I chose to use in record screening on Zheln.

Namely, it means this record does not mention neither ‘systematic review’ nor ‘meta-analysis’ in its title, nor does it contain a literature search strategy in its abstract.

Therefore, this record is ineligible for a Zheln appraisal.

Please be aware this project is independent research and is supported by crowdfunding only, so kindly consider making a minimal donation as low as $1 either on Patreon, GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, or via PayPal.

By all means, you are always welcome reaching out to me for whatever reason by email or on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Telegram. I’m happy to get your feedback!

Awaiting appraisal